What is the most unusual way someone has become famous?


There are many unusual ways people have become famous over the years, but here are a few examples from the early 2000s:

  1. "Star Wars Kid" - In 2003, a video surfaced online featuring a Canadian teenager named Ghyslain Raza performing "lightsaber" moves in a school gym. The video became an instant viral sensation, with millions of views, and Raza became known as the "Star Wars Kid" and an Internet meme.

  2. "Numa Numa Guy" - In 2004, a video of a man named Gary Brolsma lip-syncing and dancing to a Romanian pop song called "Dragostea din tei" in his bedroom became a viral hit. The video, titled "Numa Numa," has been viewed over 50 million times and turned Brolsma into an Internet celebrity.

  3. "Lonelygirl15" - In 2006, a YouTube channel called "lonelygirl15" began posting videos of a teenage girl named Bree, who was supposedly sharing her life through a video diary. However, it was later revealed that "Bree" was actually an actress, and the videos were part of a scripted web series that became hugely popular and spawned numerous imitators.

These are just a few examples of the unusual ways people have become famous in the early 2000s. The rise of the Internet and social media has created many new avenues for people to gain fame and notoriety, often in unexpected ways.

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